The Miso and soy-sauce brewery in soma-city, Fukushima

Our effort to ensure food safety

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  • Our effort to ensure food safety

Our effort to ensure food safety

As the earthquake has posed anxieties over Fukushima’s brands,
it is necessary to restore credibility of the products we produce.
We always prove our products safe, by screening radioactive contamination in different stages.
We screen all materials both in production and distribution processes.
No any radioactive reactions were deteced throughout the inspection process.
While we continue to take every possible effort to ensure the safety of our products, conducting the monthly examination that is administered in order determine the grade as the certified factory by the Japan Agricultual Standards(JAS), the quality inspections, the bacteriological inspections and the physicochemical inspections for each productoin lot.


Attention: Correspondence in Japanese only TEL +81-244-35-2966 08:00AM- 07:00PM(regular holiday: not fixed.)


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